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February 8, 2016

Top o' the Tweets

Twitter gives me statistics on what they consider my "top tweets". For this top ten list, I have not included those that link back to a post on my own blog.
  • The person you have children with will be a member of your family for the rest of your life. Choose wisely.
  • "I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • The things you did to woo your spouse way back then just might be effective now.
  • Someone chose you. How amazing is that?
  • Winter chill? Cuddle up with your sweetie.
  • Make sure your nickname for your spouse has only positive associations.
  • "Sober or not, I am ever yours." Richard Steele
  • Tip: If you wouldn't want your spouse to see your behavior on video -- don't behave that way!
  • Remember that anger originates in pain. Instead of reacting to your sweetheart's anger, find a way to ease her pain.
  • Do you remember to make your spouse your top priority?

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